Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So I've been working on converting the TREK mountain bike I found in a dumpster (see post "Dumpster Diving" below) to a single speed, and, with the exception of the cranks, everything is pretty much done. Yesterday, I drove down to GoodWill to see if I could score a cheap bike to pirate the final necessary parts from, and I came across a near mint condition Schwinn Sprint, circa 1975, which I bought for $70.  The bike must have come from some sort of estate sale or something, because it had an auction tag on it.  My trusted colleague TaTas reckons some old guy owned it, never rode it, and then kicked the bucket, causing it to be sold to someone else who never rode it and who eventually donated it.  So here's why it turned out to be such a sweet score:
First, I took off the bitchin' vintage Christophe toe clips (made in France, worth about 20-30 bucks) and put them on my fixie. They are shallower than my old clips, so my toes don't rub the front wheel on sharp turns, which is a definite plus.  I also took off the near perfect wheels (27 1/4 Arayas) and traded them out with the older, crappier set on my wife's World Sport, thus making amends for arriving home with yet another random bike. Then I tuned up the brakes and front derailleur and re-sold it within 24 hours for $150.00- an $80.00 profit. Not too shabby. Here are some pics:

Schwinn Sprint (as it was when I bought it)
Christophe clips


Tanner & Emily said...

Found your blog when searching for original picture of my fixed conversion, an old schwinn sprint. The same frame i used. Check it out. I share your passion for making things new again. I'll definitely re-visit to see what you're up to.

Check it out here:

By the way congrats on the baby boy! Hank the Tank! Awesome, my wife and I just had a girl in Sept.

Tanner & Emily said...

By the way Emily is my wife's name, don't know why that happened.

- tanner