This year I have built a couple of single speed bikes (with a freewheel, capable of coasting) but in the last couple of weeks I have been working on my first
fixed gear, also known as a track bike. A "fixie" can't coast, as the back cog has no freewheel. The rider must pedal at all times, and if he/she pedals backwards, the bike goes backwards. The bike can be stopped by using leg strength to slow down the speed at which the pedals turn. Some riders don't use brakes at all. I have a front brake on mine just in case, but I am getting the hang of stopping without it.
I am not completely done with this bike yet, as I want to add yellow bar tape and a yellow chain. I will also most likely add an old-school bmx style brake lever. For right now, however, I am happy with how it looks and rides-- and I have no more money. At this point, the cost is right around $280.00- not bad when you consider how much it costs to buy a similar bike new. A large chunk of the cost was taken care of by the sale of another bike i built (see post below "Another Single Speed.") The bike weighs right around 21 lbs. I used a Peugeot Record DuMonde frame which I stripped and clear coated. I bought the wheels on Ebay, and all other parts are stock or scavenged from my shop or my dad's. The bars are Franco Italia drops that I chopped and flopped to make pursuit bars. Thanks to my LBS
Art's Cyclery for putting up with all my questions, and to my dad for all his help.